The foundation, FUNDACIÓN FERNANDO BUESA BLANCO / FERNANDO BUESA BLANCO FUNDAZIOA is a non-profit organisation founded in Vitoria-Gasteiz on 3 November 2000 in memory and honour of Fernando Buesa, assassinated by ETA together with his bodyguard on 22 February 2000. Its goal is keeping his example of supporting the culture of peace, democracy and social progress alive. Our vocation is to be a participatory Foundation that is open to different sensibilities that exist and coexist in the Basque Country; for any citizens in the world who believe in and actively defend the right to life and human rights, and the values of freedom, equality and solidarity.
The group of people behind this Foundation want to transform this forum into a place for calm reflection and a meeting point but also provide positive proposals for paving the way towards the consolidation of democratic values.
We believe that in this new century, the Foundation can and must serve, with an all-embracing spirit, all citizens who believe in and defend the right to life and human rights: the values of freedom, equality and solidarity as well as a favourable attitude towards understanding others.
The objective of the FUNDACIÓN FERNANDO BUESA BLANCO / FERNANDO BUESA BLANCO FUNDAZIOA is to help towards the understanding, dissemination and work related to the main lines of political thought as well as the message of Fernando Buesa Blanco which continued beyond his death:
- working for social progress,
- the continuous pursuit of living together in peace,
- his concept of politics as a public service,
- passion for freedom, and
- the defence of pluralism, and all this through the sole use of peaceful and democratic means, dialogue and an attitude of respect towards one another.

- The FUNDACIÓN FERNANDO BUESA BLANCO / FERNANDO BUESA BLANCO FUNDAZIOA relies on the participation, as associate collaborators, of institutions whose work or involvement could facilitate achieving the Foundation’s objective:
- The objective is to gradually incorporate, as associate collaborators, other public and private organisations that can facilitate and promote the appropriate development of the Foundation.